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Firewall Managing Application Rule Issue

Hi all,
There is no option to see/change firewall settings in the new version (20.1). I mean, I used to change application rules when I open "old settings" and managed the rules. In this current version, however, I cannot find any option to do so. Any solution?
Best Answer chosen by M B
Santhosh PannerselvamSanthosh Pannerselvam (AVG)

We understand your concern.

The old setting option has been removed in the new version of the program.

However, you can access the application rules from the program

Open AVG program -> Hacker attacks -> Enhanced Firewall -> Firewall options -> Application rules

Let us know, if you need further help.

All Answers

P.S. The issue I refer is not related to "System rules" or "Package Rules".
Santhosh PannerselvamSanthosh Pannerselvam (AVG)

We understand your concern.

The old setting option has been removed in the new version of the program.

However, you can access the application rules from the program

Open AVG program -> Hacker attacks -> Enhanced Firewall -> Firewall options -> Application rules

Let us know, if you need further help.
This was selected as the best answer
Many thanks. It took days to figure this out. Regards.
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