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AVG Gurus

These community experts are here to help

  • (AB) Alan Binch
  • (BA) Borislav Angelov
  • (VB) Vladimir Bartl
  • (SK) Subhadeep Kanungo
  • (MS) Miloslav Serba
Rob van RoemburgRob van Roemburg 

traag internet

Sinds ik AVG 2017 heb is internet traag. Als EDGE wordt gepend, duurt het lang voordat google op het scherm komt. Ook jou-tube filmpjes duurt lang voordat deze zijn opgehaald
AvinashAvinash (Avast) 
We are sorry but we do provide support only in English. Could you please post your query in English so that we can understand it better and assist you with it? Thanks in advance.
Alan BinchAlan Binch
Rob, This Community is basically English language.. Query translation....
[Dutch to English]
slow internet
Since I've been slow internet AVG 2017. When EDGE is pegged, it will take long before Google comes on the screen. Also, you-tube videos take a long time before they are retrieved
AVG Guru
AvinashAvinash (Avast) 
We understand that you are experiencing slow internet speed since installing AVG 2017. Please try to uninstall and reinstall AVG to check if the issue is resolved.
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