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Raymi CoevanRaymi Coevan 

MAC freezes until I disable Real Time Protection


My MacBook Pro freezes unti I disable Real Time Protection from AVG console. If I leave the RTP, I need to make a hard reboot as the Mac becomes totally unresponsive.

This is happening since last AVG update. Is anyone experiencing the same problem?

Thanks in advance
Best Answer chosen by Raymi Coevan
Rajarajan SooiyachanthRajarajan Sooiyachanth (Avast)
Hello Raymi,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. To resolve the issue, did you earlier try to uninstall(http://avgread.me/1LhhXRT) and reinstall your AVG program(http://avgread.me/1ggvK09)? Do you use a home edition or business edition of AVG program? Thank you.

All Answers

Rajarajan SooiyachanthRajarajan Sooiyachanth (Avast)
Hello Raymi,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. To resolve the issue, did you earlier try to uninstall(http://avgread.me/1LhhXRT) and reinstall your AVG program(http://avgread.me/1ggvK09)? Do you use a home edition or business edition of AVG program? Thank you.
This was selected as the best answer
Raymi CoevanRaymi Coevan

Thanks for your reply. Well, I will uninstall now and reinstall the AVG program; let's wait and see if it solves the issue.

It is the home edition.

AvinashAvinash (Avast) 
Raymi, we appreciate your efforts and patience. Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. Thank you.
Raymi CoevanRaymi Coevan
Uninstall and reinstall of AVG looks to solve the issue as after several deays the problem did not occur anymore.


Alan BinchAlan Binch
OK Raymi, No probs.. Pleased to see that you appear to be now sorted. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting.
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