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  • (AB) Alan Binch
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Don NovakDon Novak 


I use Evernote to save web pages and articles.
How do I add that extension to AVG browser?
Santhosh PannerselvamSanthosh Pannerselvam (AVG)
Hello Don,

Click on the three-dot icon on the top-right corner of your AVG Secure browser.

Then go to 'Settings' -> Extensions and add your extensions.

Let us know if you have any issues.
Rise Up ChampsRise Up Champs
I love the browser, otherwise, and would continue to use it as my default browswer if I could add my own extensions, such as my password manager extension. 
Rise Up ChampsRise Up Champs
There's no option in the AVG Secured Browser to add extensions. When going to Extensions, as stated above, the only option is to search extensions, of which, there are none because there's no option to add extensions. Even when toggling developer mode on, the only extensions listed are AVG's. 
-980888528-980888528 (Avast)
You can add extensions in Settings>Advanced>Accessibility>Add Accessibility Features>Open Chrome Web Store. You will be warned of the danger if you try to add one that could compromise the security features of the browser.
We are here if you need further help.
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