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Ross WamboldtRoss Wamboldt 

False Threat: html:script-inf (susp)


We're a software company hosting websites for various non-profit organizations. On Friday, April 22nd, we started receiving reports from our clients who have reported that your antivirus software, specifically Web Shield, is blocking our websites (to name a few, sspi.orgnargc.ie, and mocanntrade.org) claiming they contain malicious code. We received reports that your software has blocked urls coming from our CDN, d3lut3gzcpx87s.cloudfront.net, claiming they are phishing URLs. These blocked urls include files such as our CSS, javascript, and images for our client sites. There is no malicious code on our sites - can you please help to resolve the issue.

Midhun AloorMidhun Aloor (Foundever)

Hello Ross,

We're sorry for the inconvenience caused.
We request you to submit your websites for false-positive analysis using this link.
Once you've submitted the false-positive report, our concerned team will analyze the websites & if found harmless, they'll whitelist them right away. Furthermore, they'll update the status via email.
Thank you for understanding in advance!

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