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  • (AB) Alan Binch
  • (BA) Borislav Angelov
  • (VB) Vladimir Bartl
  • (SK) Subhadeep Kanungo
  • (MS) Miloslav Serba
Gabriel Van WykGabriel Van Wyk 


AVG is identifying a potential Malware attack.  Comes up with this message:
"One of your programs is behaving strangely, which could be a sign of malware."
Path: C:\Windows\System\cmd.exe
Infection: IDP.Generic
I am offered two actions to take - I select "Fix Automatically".  But the message keeps reappearing, and I keep selecting the same option.  This repeats constantly. (I don't want to select "Ignore")
I understand that I probably have some application that is using the Windows Command, but how can I find out from which application this is coming so I can attempt to remove or stop this from happening.?
Bhuvaneswari VairavanBhuvaneswari Vairavan (Avast)
Hello Gabriel,

I apologize for the inconvenience. This is a known issue and it can be fixed by updating your AVG program to the latest version. Please open AVG > Menu > Settings > update both virus definition and the program.
Restart the computer once and check if that fix the issue. If you face any difficulties, please share the screenshot http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-create-a-screenshot to assist further.
Bhuvana, AVG Customer Care.
Alan BinchAlan Binch
Gabriel, If applicable..  For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru
Seth AsleepBruhSeth AsleepBruh
got the same problem not sure what it is it was found from the path of my sys 32 as an mhsta.exe? didn't figure out what it was but i to have this problem.
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