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These community experts are here to help

  • (AB) Alan Binch
  • (BA) Borislav Angelov
  • (VB) Vladimir Bartl
  • (SK) Subhadeep Kanungo
  • (MS) Miloslav Serba
John SmithJohn Smith 

False virus threat

Hello I recently found out that when I run my Code Blocks code my AVG detects it as a Trojan horse Generic38.ABPH I know this is some error from you guy's so please fix this. Few weeks ago with same Code Blocks everything worked well But now it's not working anymore.The only way I can run my Code Blocks is to disable the AVG...Please fix this thanks
AravindhAravindh (Avast) 
Hello John,
We regret the inconvenience caused. We would like to let us know whether you have installed AVG paid or a free version on your system and also please check whether you have installed AVG 2015 version or 2016 version.
Could you please send the screenshot of your error messages so that we can assist further? Please click on the following link http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-create-a-screenshot  to send the screen shot.
Thank you.
Alan BinchAlan Binch
John, For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru
John SmithJohn Smith
User-added image
I am using a free AVG 2016 and it's updated, as you can see in screenshot it's just a simple code.
AravindhAravindh (Avast) 
Hello John,
Thank you for the information. Upon checking with your screenshot we can see that your Project test application is detected as threat. No need to worry, we are here to help you.
We would request you to add your Project tect application in AVG Exception to check whether your able to resolve the issue.
The following article http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-exclude-file-folder-or-website-from-AVG-scanning  explians how to add your application in AVG Exception. If the issue persist, please let us know by upcoming post so that we can try to help you in better way.
Thank you.
Alan BinchAlan Binch
John, For your info also have a look @ this AVG webpage (http://samplesubmit.avg.com/false-detection).
AVG Guru
John SmithJohn Smith
I'v done what you guys told me but it still cause me that pop up virus alert, but I found out that if I change this line of code
cout << "Hello World"<<endl;
AVG let me continue without pop up the alert...So i'm not sure why AVG don't allow me to say " Hello World ".Well thanks anyway guys for help I can still learn to programming without Hello World :)
John SmithJohn Smith
Forgot to say if i press Ignore threat it dosen't work
Paul VermeerschPaul Vermeersch
i have the paid version of AVG Internet security.
Installing code blocks C++ was not a problem, also compiling give no problem.
But when i am trying to run my project, AVG virusscan gives following Trojan horse: Generic38.ABPH.
After searching the internet it becomes clear that this is a false Trojan detection.
To solve this, i did the following:
- first: excluding in AVG inside Program Files (X86) the CodeBlocks directory and...
- second: excluding my projects-directory which was on another disk.
After this all works fine!
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