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Uninstalling AVG Driver Updater

Applies to AVG Driver Updater for Windows

Important:If you have a paid AVG Driver Updater subscription, uninstalling the application does not automatically cancel your subscription. For information about canceling your subscription, refer to the following article: Canceling an AVG subscription - Frequently Asked Questions

Uninstall AVG Driver Updater

To uninstall AVG Driver Updater from a Windows device, select the relevant tab below according to your Windows version.

Your operating system:
  1. Right-click the Windows Start icon, then select Apps and Features from the menu that appears.
  2. Click Options (three dots) next to AVG Driver Updater and select Uninstall twice.
  3. If prompted for permission by the User Account Control dialog, click Yes.
  4. When Driver Updater appears, click Uninstall.
  5. Optionally tick the box next to Delete all backups and log files if you do not plan to reinstall Driver Updater. If you intend to reinstall Driver Updater in the future, we recommend keeping this box unticked so that the current driver backups and log files remain available to you.

    Click Uninstall to confirm you want to uninstall Driver Updater.
  6. Wait while the uninstaller removes Driver Updater from your PC.
  7. When the confirmation message appears, click Done, or if prompted, click Restart computer to immediately reboot your PC and complete uninstallation.

Driver Updater is now uninstalled from your PC.

Reinstall AVG Driver Updater

If you need to reinstall Driver Updater, refer to the following article for installation instructions:

Troubleshoot without uninstalling

If you are experiencing problems with Driver Updater, we recommend referring to the following information before uninstalling:

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