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Restarting Microsoft Windows in Safe Mode

Applies to All AVG consumer products for Windows

Restarting your Windows operating system in Safe Mode is necessary for performing certain troubleshooting tasks with AVG products.


Your operating system:
  1. Click the Windows Start button, select Power, then, while holding down the Shift key on your keyboard, select Restart.
  2. When the Choose an option screen appears, select Troubleshoot.
  3. Select Advanced options.
  4. Select Startup Settings.
  5. Click Restart to open a list of Startup Settings options.
  6. Select option 5) Enable Safe Mode with Networking.
Note:For certain troubleshooting tasks, you can alternatively select option 6) Enable Safe Mode with Command Prompt.

When your PC restarts, Windows is in Safe Mode and ready to perform troubleshooting tasks.

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