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Exclude certain files or websites from scanning in AVG Antivirus

Applies to AVG AntiVirus FREE, AVG Internet Security, AVG AntiVirus

Your operating system:

Although it is generally not recommended, you may want to exclude certain files, folders, or websites from being scanned by AVG Antivirus. This can speed up your scans and prevent false-positive detections.

Important:Set exceptions only if you know that the files and websites you want to exclude are safe. If you are unsure about a file, you can scan it in Virus Total, or add the file to Quarantine and submit it to AVG Threat Labs.

Add an exception

Setting an exception will exclude individual files, folders, or websites from all scans and shields.

To set an exception:

  1. Open AVG Antivirus and go to MenuSettings.
  2. Select GeneralExceptions, then click Add exception.
  3. Read through the questions to ask and click NextI understand risks.

The following exceptions are available:

  • Website / Domain: Excludes all websites that contain the same domain name.
  • File / Folder: Excludes files / folders with the option to specify your exclusions.
  • Command: Excludes scripts presented on the command line.

Website / Domain

  1. Select the Website / Domain tab.
  2. Enter a URL domain to exclude all pages with this domain name, then click Add.

File / Folder

  1. Select the File/Folder tab.
  2. Click the folder icon, then navigate to the specific file/folder path and click OK.
  3. Optionally, click Advanced options, then untick a feature that you want to allow with this exception:
    • All scans: Enables all scans.
    • Behavior Shield detections: Warns you if any application behaves suspiciously.
    • File Shield detections: Scans any file added to or opened on your PC.
    • Hardened Mode detections: Determines which executable files are safe to open.
    • CyberCapture detections: Analyzes unrecognized files and warns you about new threats.
  4. Click Add.

Command Line

  1. Select the Command Line tab.
  2. Enter the Command and optionally provide Command parameters, then click Add

Manage exceptions

You can manage your current exceptions via the application settings:

  1. Open AVG Antivirus and go to MenuSettings.
  2. Select GeneralExceptions.
  3. Hover the cursor over the relevant exception, then select an option:
    • Pencil icon: Edit the exception.
    • X icon: Remove the exception from your list. The list updates automatically.

Further recommendations

For more information about scans in AVG AntiVirus, refer to the following article:

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