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Recognizing genuine AVG Support and avoiding scams

Because AVG is a trusted name in online security, certain scams may attempt to use the AVG name and trademark fraudulently. Scams operate by making customers believe they are in contact with AVG Support, when they are really in contact with an untrusted third party.

How can I avoid third-party scams?

We recommend you only contact AVG Support via contact information provided on the official AVG Support website.

You can find more information about trusted AVG partners, distributers, and resellers on the AVG website.

How can I recognize a third-party scam?

The information below may help you to identify third-party scams:

  • AVG never requires credit card information to confirm your identity, or validate your copy of an AVG product.
  • AVG never sends unsolicited email messages containing security updates. You can only apply updates to an AVG application from within the application itself.
  • AVG never makes unsolicited phone calls to help you fix your computer.

Contact AVG Support if you are unsure about the validity of a purchase or transaction.

How can I recognize genuine AVG Premium Tech Support?

AVG Premium Tech Support is a paid service that lets our trained support agents remotely access your devices to diagnose and fix technical issues.

In some cases, a support agent may contact you via phone to resolve a problem. You can easily confirm that you are in contact with genuine AVG Premium Tech Support by ensuring that the number calling is listed below:

  • +1 855 XXX 6192
  • +1 855 XXX 8178
  • +1 877 XXX 8630
  • +44 800 XXX 7734
  • +44 800 XXX 3496
  • +44 808 XXX 6595

What can I do if I suspect I have been scammed by a third party pretending to be AVG Support?

If you believe you are a victim of fraud we advise you to contact your payment provider to stop payment and contact your local law enforcement to register a formal complaint.

Contact AVG Support if you are unsure about the validity of a purchase or transaction.

  • All AVG consumer products
  • All supported operating systems

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