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Peter CovillPeter Covill 

Itunes and Windows 7

Good morning

I lost my Itunes program off my computer - when i try to reinstall it it wont happen just get an Itunes error message.
I am running Windows 7 and not sure if it is an AVG problem or a Apple/Microsoft one - tried all the answers on the internet.
Could it be realted to AVG for some reason - i run AVG Internet Security and PC Tune up.

Balasubramanian SBalasubramanian S (Avast) 
Hello Peter,

I understand the inconvenience.
Few of our customers reported that iTunes installation ending up with an error when AVG Antivirus or Internet Security is active.
However, we have to confirm the issue in your case and if it is due to AVG, we can proceed further to analyze the log files and escalate the case.
Please (disable AVG Internet Security temporarily) and check whether you are able to install iTunes successfully.
If error appears, provide the (screenshot) of error message.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Peter CovillPeter Covill
Turned off AVG
User-added image
then ran the ITunes installation and got this message

User-added image
Alok KumarAlok Kumar (Avast)
Hello Peter,
I understand that you have disabled AVG program and you was able to download/install iTunes. I request you to enable AVG Internet Security now and check if your iTunes is working fine.
Best regards,
Peter CovillPeter Covill
NO i still cannot download and make Itunes work as show in the second image!!
Alok KumarAlok Kumar (Avast)
Thank you for the confirmation Peter,
It seems that the issue is with the iTunes application. In this case, I request you to contact Apple support and check if they can fix this issue because AVG Internet Security is not blocking your application.
Best regards,
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