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Rod EnnorRod Ennor 

Secure VPN stops internet access

Since the VPN upgrade this morning, turning on the VPN tells me there is no internet access and suggests there is a problem with the fire wall. Everything worked fine before the update! I can get internet access without using the VPN, but that sort of negates the idea of the VPN! All the antivirus stuff is AVG so nothing should clash.Help please
Sreenu YadavalliSreenu Yadavalli (Avast)
Hello Rod,

We're glad to look into this & help you.
Please let us know the operating system of the device in which you're experiencing this issue & clarify how you found that there is no network connectivity.
Did you receive any message regarding it?
If so, share us the screenshot (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=AVG-Create-screenshot) of it for better clarity. 
Meanwhile, please try restarting your device once & then connect to different servers (locations) that are available in Secure VPN to check.
Thank you and keep us updated.
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