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Ari MAri M 

AVG free protection turned off. It won't turn on.

So, I remember, back in 2015, when Windows 10 came out that AVG free was super glitchy with it. It is 2018 and it's still glitchy. It always says the protection is off and the fix now button does absolutely nothing. This is a clean install of Windows 10 and a new and updated install of AVG. What's going on? It just seems like in three years y'all would have released a patch or fixed your program or something. Is there even a general consensus as to what the problem is?
-980888528-980888528 (Avast)
Hello Ari,

Protection will get turned off if there is any other security product running on the same device or any update gets corrupted.

Could you share the screenshot http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-create-a-screenshot of AVG user interface to have better understanding?

Have you tried to repair http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-repair-AVG your AVG Antivirus free and checked with the status?
Ari MAri M
Repairing worked. Thanks. Why doesn't AVG free install correctly the first time?
-980888528-980888528 (Avast)
That's great, Ari. 

We appreciate your efforts. It should work, but you will receive that error when the installation file or update file gets corrupted. 
Ari MAri M
Ok but why does it almost always come from you guys corrupted then? It was literally download straight from your site and failed to work immediately. I'm going to let this go but, with the amount of forum posts about this and the fact that it never seems to work correctly out of the box, y'all seem to havethe at least three yead old problem.
Balasubramanian SBalasubramanian S (Avast) 
Ari, whenever we use online installer this might happen at rare instance.
Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.
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