Hello, Currently, AVG support is available in English only. Could you please write to us in English? We will be waiting for your response and are eager to help.
Hello, Currently, AVG support is available in English only. Could you please write to us in English? We will be waiting for your response and are eager to help.
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Alan Binch
Богдан, This Community is basically only English language.. Query translation.... [Russian to English] lost phone lost telephone is it possible to visualize the location? AVG Guru
Currently, AVG support is available in English only. Could you please write to us in English? We will be waiting for your response and are eager to help.
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Currently, AVG support is available in English only. Could you please write to us in English? We will be waiting for your response and are eager to help.
[Russian to English]
lost phone
lost telephone is it possible to visualize the location?
AVG Guru
lost the phone, is it possible to find out its location?
lost the phone, is it possible to find out its location?
I am sorry to hear that your phone is lost. Please click on this link http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=AVG-Antivirus-for-Android-Anti-Theft-Commands to know more information on how to use AntiTheft commands.