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Jackie RhodesJackie Rhodes 

Anti-tracker renewal not due yet, but automatic payment taken

I was sent an email to say my AVG anti-tracker renewal had been taken off at $49.99. I looked at the invoice from the link in the email and it does say it was taken out last on May 05 2019 for 1 year. When I looked into my subscriptions of which I have about four things, it see the next date was March 18th 2021, not March 18th 2020, which looks right by the invoice. 

I see, when looking into my subscriptions that I had a refund last year for this in June, I think, as they had charged me when I had already paid. I also see that this Anti-tracker was paid for within a bundle for  AVG Security/AVG Tune-up and AVG  VPN, with a total of  $196. something cents, that I forget just now. I think that was done in June last year and they all fall due in 2021. I've also got AVG Driver update, which might have been in the bundle, but I have paid separate for that I think. 

I don't understand, as I see that apart from the bundle payment, I have a separate payment last year for Anti-Tracker at $49.99c. I seem to be paying out more than once for this Anti-Tracker. Unless, they have either put the wrong date on this subscription for renewal or the invoice should have had 2yrs. I don't think I've ever taken this one out for 2yrs except in the bundle.

Something is definitely not right somewhere. I pay by PayPal. I've looked into that account for payments and it shows these Digital River payments or whatever they're called. It shows my payment that was refunded last year. 
Jackie RhodesJackie Rhodes
I forgot to say that I don't think I activated the Anti-Tracker, as I thought it said dIdn't have to do anything. Maybe I didn't scroll down far enough, but it does have the activation number in the email , which is same as the last one. I have no icon on my Desk top for this device,  so can't activate it from there as in one lot of instructions. Maybe that's why it isn't there on my Desk Top because I didn't activate it. I wondered why when I do a scan, at the end it's always asking me to get the Anti-Tracker when I've got it. It doesn't show me as having the device on the interface when I click into My AVG. 
Midhun AloorMidhun Aloor (Foundever)
Hi Jacqueline,

We'll certainly look into this and help you.
As it isn't advisable to post sensitive details here, we have sent an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam for the email and use it to revert to us.
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