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tony morantony moran 

How to send an email to AVG?

I need to send AVG a query about my Internet Security subscription - I appear to be paying for two where only one is needed. It would be easy to send the query with details by email, and I have done so previously. AVG were excellent in responding and resolving the query. Now I just get a lot of AD (Artificially Dim) automated responses. I got zero response from the Chat option. Please is there a way of sending an email to a person at AVG?
Thanks, Slainte
Tony Moran
Sreenu YadavalliSreenu Yadavalli (Avast)
Hello Tony,

We are glad to help you.
Regrettably, we don't have a designated email address that can be used to contact us. However, we can send you an email and you can revert back to us.
You can contact our AVG chat support team using this link: https://support.avg.com/support_tech_chat?l=en and they will help you.
Also we have sent you an email informing about the AVG product details and please reply to that email for further queries.
Thank you.
tony morantony moran
Thank you for your prompt response. I guess Chat must have been very busy when I tried earlier. Here are the details of my enquiry.
I have just renewed my Internet Security subscription (amount removed, paid on 6Jan2022,  Order ID: order # removed) covering 10 devices. I also seem to have a second live subcription for Internet Security, next charge 31May2022, which I think was paid under Order ID: order # removed 31May2020. I have only ever had two systems active on-line (HP and Lenovo) both running Windows-10. A third system (HP windows 7) is currently off-line. It seems that the second subcription due in May is redundant. Please will you clarify my subscription status and let me know if I am eligible for a refund.  If so, I would certainly be interested in upgrading to AVG Ultimate (Internet security+VPN+Tune-up).
Thank you
Tony Moran
(Email id removed)
Sreenu YadavalliSreenu Yadavalli (Avast)
Thank you for replying back to us, Tony.
We request you not to share any of your personal or sensitive information over the public forum.
We have already sent you an email informing about the requested information and please reply to that email for further help.
Thank you.
tony morantony moran
I did not reply to your email because it said "AVG Support Community <noreply@help.avg.com>"
I took "noreply" at it's word. I will check to see if I missed an email and try to reply by email.
Veeramani SivakumarVeeramani Sivakumar (Sitel)
Hello Tony, 

We have already sent email to your registered email address. Kindly check your spam and junk folder too. If you have any issues with us, feel free to contact us at anytime. Thank you. 
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