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Anita LalondeAnita Lalonde 

VPN and Internet Security

If VPN protects ones identity, why get Internet Security? What is the difference between the two?
Hari ShankarHari Shankar (Avast)
Hello Anita,
We're glad to help you.
  • AVG Internet Security for Windows is a comprehensive security application that blocks viruses, spyware, and other malicious threats. Additionally, it protects you and your data against dangerous fake websites, ransomware, and hackers while you are online.
  • AVG Secure VPN is an application that allows you to connect to the internet via secure AVG VPN servers using an encrypted tunnel to protect your online activity from eavesdropping. AVG Secure VPN can be used any time you want to connect to the internet with extra security and privacy. This is especially recommended when you are connected to a public or unsecured wireless network.
AVG Internet Security and AVG Secure VPN are two different products designed to serve different purposes. I assure you that AVG Internet Security will scan each and every file on your PC in Realtime, scans all incoming and outgoing emails, scans all the websites you visit and the Firewall protect your device from hacking attempts.

AVG Secure VPN on the other is an extra layer of security to your device. It masks the identity of your PC especially when you connect to an untrusted connection (like a public WiFi).
If you have further queries, feel free to let us know, we'd be glad to help.
Thank you.
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