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  • (AB) Alan Binch
  • (BA) Borislav Angelov
  • (VB) Vladimir Bartl
  • (SK) Subhadeep Kanungo
  • (MS) Miloslav Serba
Catherine FinnertyCatherine Finnerty 

Cancel my subscription

I want to cancel this subscription.   I have tried before by sending an email but was informed that the email could not be read.   Two subscriptions, for the same amount have now been taken from my account. and I have requested a refund.    As I cannot locate a contact email address to cancel this subscription Im at  a loss as to how to do this.  Could someone let me know of a straight forward method in cancelling all subscriptions please.   Many thanks.   Catherine.Finnerty
Delli GaneshDelli Ganesh (Foundever)
Hello Catherine.
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
We are sorry to know that you want to cancel your subscription.
We will certainly check and help you.
As it is not recommended to discuss your order/subscription details over this public post. Hence, we've sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert to us.
Thank you for your understanding. 
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