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Sam KSam K 

Multiple AVlaunch / AVG Antivirus / AVGUI.exe in StartUp Apps

l - aptop running Windows 11 & AVG Internet
Im seeing AVLaunch (9) processes running in the background in the Startup Apps. On closer inspection its 9 separate AVG Antivirus running AVGui.exe
Are they essential / necessary? Im sure they are slowing down my PC.
Ive tried to repair AV Internet but it makes no difference.
Any advice appreciated.
Krishna JayathilakKrishna Jayathilak (Foundever)
Hello Sam,
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support
We understand that you are getting suspect that AVG process is making your system slow.
We are are sorry to know about it and would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Could you please let us know if you disabled AVG and checked if you still face same issue?
If not, we suggest you to disable and check again: https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=disable-avg-antivirus (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=disable-avg-antivirus)
Reasons that AVG Antivirus has multiple processes running in the background

Technical: There are system services that run under your system account. This is necessary for several reasons such as system integration, driver loading, etc. However, some components need to communicate with the user. These components must be running under your account to be able to show you the AVG application.

Security: There are sandboxed processes that run restricted to ensure that they cannot compromise your system, should a security issue occur.

Performance: Certain processes need to run in an immediate manner to be able to protect your system effectively. Some functionality can be starter later, or even on-demand. Therefore, it is split into a separate process, so that it does not slow down the system start.
Please note, while seeing multiple processes running in the background may seem concerning, these functions are normal. These processes do not typically consume higher system resources. The multiple processes exist because AVG Antivirus software consists of multiple individual components rather than a single process.
If you find some of the processes are consuming an unusual amount of system resources, refer to the following article for troubleshooting instructions for reinstalling the : https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=reinstall-avg (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=reinstall-avg)
Thank you and keep us updated.
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