I turned avg off so a website would load last night and forgot to turn it back on. This morning, I had a bug. I tried to turn avg back on using the icon in the tool bar and it will not respond.
Hello Billie, Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support. We understand that you are unable to turn the AVG on. We are really sorry to know this. We'll certainly check and help you out. We suggest you to try the following steps from this article and try again: https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=repair-avg-antivirus (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=repair-avg-antivirus) Thank you and keep us updated.
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
We understand that you are unable to turn the AVG on.
We are really sorry to know this. We'll certainly check and help you out.
We suggest you to try the following steps from this article and try again: https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=repair-avg-antivirus (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=repair-avg-antivirus)
Thank you and keep us updated.