AVG Support Community
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Steps to uninstall AVG security products from your computer are available below. For other products, please choose your product from the list below to view the instructions:
Uninstall Web TuneUp, AVG Toolbar, home page and Secure Search from your browser
Please follow these steps to uninstall AVG Free, AntiVirus, Internet Security, Premium Security, Protection or Performance from your computer:
Please restart your computer to make sure that there are no AVG updates or tests running in the background. After the restart, please log into Windows as a user with administrative rights. For more information please visit the article Check if you are using administrative account.
Follow the instructions for your version of Windows to uninstall AVG:
In case the uninstallation was not successful, use the AVG Remover tool. Please make sure to save all your work and close all open documents! Your computer will be restarted during the process:
I see that you have posted multiple post for the same issue. Please try to keep the conversation on a single post so that we can assist you quicker and better. I have already replied to one of your post.
Our latest AVG remover tool 2016 version is capable of removing the Zen interface.
To download the 2016 version remover tool please click on this link: http://aa-download.avg.com/filedir/util/AVG_Remover.exe .
2) Run the downloaded tool and follow the instructions displayed on your screen.
3) Your computer will be restarted automatically. After the restart, AVG Remover will finish the uninstallation.
NOTE: Once the AVG Remover Tool has done with its process. Please go to the C drive and look for a folder named as "AVG Remover" and I request you to delete it manually.
Please do let us know the status of this. Thank you.