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Robert SimpsonRobert Simpson 


There doesn't seem to be away to complain to AVG directly. I recently renewed a basic virus protection. I previously paid £37 ca. for two years. This time it wa £30 ca. for 1 year !!

The 'customer satisfaction rating' email gave a link which just reported 'Thanks for your input' or something similar without allowing any input !

Thirdly, my computer use is being spoilt by 'ads' telling me my machine is to slow etc. In one year's time I will seriously consider an alternative supplier of virus protection.
ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Hi Robert,
I am sorry to hear that, do you need our assistance?
Robert SimpsonRobert Simpson
Yes. In regard to my third point, how do I get rid of 'pop-up' ads  for new products I do not want ?
ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Unfortunately there is not option to disable it entirely, but it shouldn't be displayed too often.
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