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Dave KellyDave Kelly 

Allow App through Firewall

I wish to allow Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter through AVG2015 Firewall, on my SurfacePro3. I can connect by temporariliy disabling Firewall, but wish to avoid this step. The Device does not appear on Win8.1 Device Manager unless it is connected, and it diappears each time Win8.1 goes to sleep or disconnects.
Entering the MWDA Miracast address in the AVG Firewall Applications Allow has not worked because the app dos not Exist until after it is already connected.
Alan BinchAlan Binch
Other posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000D3tHAAS).
Have you submitted the requested diagnostics yet?.
AVG Guru
Dave KellyDave Kelly
The answer is 'Yes', I submitted my diagnostics Sunday Mrch 29th
Dave KellyDave Kelly
Or was that Saturday....the days just fly!
Dave KellyDave Kelly
This is what I see on Device Manager while connected
Dave KellyDave Kelly
Here is the Device Instance Path while connected:SWD\WIFIDIRECT\32:59:B7:FD:8B:81#MIRACAST    Does "device Instance" suggest the ephemeral chracter of this connection that disappears by design on every interrupt?
AvinashAvinash (Avast) 
David, thank you for sending the requested data. Our experts are analyzing your issue and will get back to you soon. Appreciate your patience. Thank you.
Vivienne SimmonsVivienne Simmons
My situation is identical to Dave's.  It's very annoying.  Is there a solution yet?
AvinashAvinash (Avast) 
Hello Vivienne. Please have a look at this post. https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000D3tHAAS
Dave KellyDave Kelly
It has been two weeks and I have had no response from AVG, even to say they have assigned someone to look at it.
The question any customer (me, for instance) must ask is ...Why should I continue my subscription to AVG Security when I have to disable a key part of the product in order to use an increasingly common and popular device.
With AVG Firewall disabled I am still fully protected by the Win8.1 firewall, and the Win8.1 firewall is able to allow connection with the MWDA (and presumably other similar devices), so why is it that AVG is unable to figure out a fix.
Dave KellyDave Kelly
The first paragraph in the text of your link says very specifically, "This applies to WIDI connections, not to Miracast". THe MWDA is Miracast technology.

Next suggestion please?
ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Sorry I didn't noticed that, please send us new output from our diagnostic output, and let me know so I can transfer it directly to developers.
Dave KellyDave Kelly
Are there too many different people looking at my issue?
You should be aware that 'Avinash' has posted that AVG experts (tech 3?) have received my diagnostics and reported that "our experts are analyzing your diagnostics and will get back to you soon". Maybe?
I had received an email March 28, 2015 confirming that my daignostics had been received. My registered issue ticket is #01868187.
Have you lost my diagnostics? I wish to avoid the possible confusion of duplication of efforts.
 Davbe Kelly
ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Hi David,
Yes, I am aware that you already send use one output, unfortunately that output is corrupted, so please send us new one.
Dave KellyDave Kelly
Fresh creation of AVG2015 SysInfo sent. Procedure was, disable AVG firewall, connect Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter (Miracast technology), re-enable AVG firewall, create new SysInfo, send.
Cheers, Dave Kelly
ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Hi Dave,
I would like to let you know that the data has been passed to our developers (AV-7261). Please note that this thread will be updated when further information is required from our team.
ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
We find out that your "Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter" is recognized as "Public Network".
Please try change it as described in http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/windows/3473563/change-your-network-location-settings/ and let me know results.
Dave KellyDave Kelly
Hi again,
Is the "Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter" the same thing as my HARDWARE "Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter". They do not have the same name.
My system is set to "Private Network" only, and accessed only through my Homegroup. My LAN is behind a Cisco DPC3825 modem/hardware firewall/router connected via ethernet to an alternate Apple Airport Extreme wireless router. During the diagnostics my Surface Pro 3 was connected by wireless to the Cisco wireless router. Both are password protected.
The link you suggested was posted in 2013 and refers to the much maligned Win8 opsys. It displays networks as "Home", "Work" or "Public". I am running Win8.1 Pro on this Surface Pro 3, so the screens and settings setup are different. The choice is "Private" or "Public" only.  Never-the-less my network settings are all "private network" only.
Dave KellyDave Kelly
Hi yet again,
I forgot to emphasize that my Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter does not connnect through the LAN, wireless or otherwise. It functions directly from my Surface Pro 3 and the Samsung Smart TV, or alternately as I have tested, an LG computer monitor. I could turn off my Cisco DPC3825 and it would still mirror the display from Surface to the second monitor of my choosing.
 Dave Kelly
Dave KellyDave Kelly
Yet more....
I unplugged power from my modem and routers. I confirmed that no computer could connect to any part of my network or internet in any way.
Then with AVG 2015 Firewall disabled, I connected and mirrored my Surface Pro 3 screen on my TV.
I tried the same thing again with AVG firewall enabled, and as expected I could not connect.
So I think this excercise pretty much confirms that my LAN settings (ethernet and wireless), Private Network, Homegroup etc have no bearing on the inability to get Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter to connect while AVG Firewall is enabled.
 Dave Kelly
ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Hi David,
Can you please try add – to AVG Firewall whitelist as I suggested before? Our developers just confirmed that it might help even it is different technology.
Dave KellyDave Kelly
Hi Mr. Zbynek,
Thank you for reminding me. I went to the Firewall Settings, "Expert Mode" and added that range of addresses to the AVG Firewall whitelist. A review confirmed that the settings change has been successfully saved.
I tried to connect to my MWDA. It tries for about 30 seconds, and then displays the message "Could Not Connect".
It was worth a try, but was not successful in resolving this issue.
What next please?
 Dave Kelly
Dave KellyDave Kelly
New Info:
The following link gave instructions for allowing the MWDA connect script through the firewall of an application that I believe is called "ESET Endpoint Security". Can you interpret how this set of instructions would look if we were to try the same procedure on AVG 2015? I am reluctant to mess with advanced settings unless known to be specifically applicable to on AVG 2015.
ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Hi Dave,
I have transfered this informations back to developers I will let you know here.
Dave KellyDave Kelly
Hi M. Zbynek,
Can you please 'translate' the following advice from Intel support into how to implement on AVG 2015:

"Or just add rule to firewall for service "C:\Windows\System32\WUDFHost.exe" - Allow IN\OUT connections for TCP and UDP protocols. Ports: All "

I do not know which lines on AVG 2015 Firewall rules the two parts of that script should be entered.
 Dave Kelly

ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Hi Dave,
To add it please open AVG program press "F7" to open Firewall advanced settings click on "Applications" than click "Add" in Path please fill "C:\Windows\System32\WUDFHost.exe" name it and after clicking "Create" rule should be created.
Dave KellyDave Kelly
Hi M. Zbynek,
I created the rule and verified it exists. Could not connect.
I viewed but cannot now find the place where rule details are specified. When I previously accessed it, I could pick either TCP or UDP for the rule. The Intel support text said to apply the rule to both protocols. How can I do this?
On some previous website the difficulty with the Miracast technology is that it has some kind of dual access  requirement. Does that compute?
Dave KellyDave Kelly
I have not heard any feedback from AVG Support on this issue for several weeks. I can reliably connect my MWDA from my Microsoft Surface Pro3 as long as I disable AVG 2015 firewall during the connction process. During this step, I am protected by Win8.1Pro firewall.

Does this mean that AVG protects me in ways that MS does not? In what way does is this protection better? As one of a multitude of customers worldwide, I want a way of allowing a Miracast device to communicate and connect through AVG firewall. Otherwise AVG Security may not be the product for us any longer.
Dave KellyDave Kelly
It is now July 16, 2015. My issue connecting my MWDA without disabling AVG Security firewall has not had any further response since April. I was told it had been elevated to a higher level of support capability.

Soon I wiil have to decide if I should renew my AVG subscription for three machines. Should I renew for a service that must be disabled to use an item of now common, worldwide hardware?

Can someone give me an update please?
 Dave Kelly
ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Hi Dave,
Unfortunately there are no news, since only few users reported it it doesn't have necessary priority.
Richard ParsonsRichard Parsons
Well that's hilarious.

Dave, you've done well, and exhibited uncommon patience. I have precisely the same issue, on different televisions, but the same (fully up to date) Surface Pro and Surface 3 pcs failling to properly connect with a Microsoft Display Adapter in exactly this way. I was about 6 hours in before I got on to the turning off the firewall. I hadn't seen the note on the exe you found, but I agree that isn't enough for AVG, and I agree that if there isn't a solution then we dump AVG. It seems an odd thing for AVG to not be worried about. There's plenty of folk out there loving these adapters, and also plenty returning these adapters and blaming Microsoft because they can't get them to work, and I'll bet a bunch of them are for this reason, it's just that the issue is so unexpected. I suspect this only comes back to haunt support.

I think there may be an IP range that needs to be open too. If I can find it, I'll post it back here for you.​ If I don't post within 2 days, I couldn't find it, and I think you're right that the advice then is that if you want to use the Microsoft Display Adapter, you want some other firewall than AVG.

Wow. Can't imagine how that's a sensible place to end up, but there we are ;-)


Richard ParsonsRichard Parsons
Mmmm. That tapped out.

I have uninstalled (just) AVG Firewall, and am relying on Windows Firewall - all my pain is gone ;-)

Search uninstall, click change or remove a program, AVG 2015, Change, Add remove features - change, Next, uncheck Firewall, Next, and follow your nose.

Good luck Dave.
David GaskellDavid Gaskell
Here we are May 2017 and STILL this is an issue! I am getting the exact same problem.
rod todrod tod
Well AVG, you had better get thi up your priority list.
This makes a major function of my expensive PC unuseable without disabling AVG.
Not acceptable in a business.

I've also spent many hours and gone and bought replacemet hardware as I could not find any reason why my old hardware no longer worked.

I have a lot more money invested in my PC than the cost of AVG, so guess which one I will be dropping if this doesn't get fixed soon.
rod todrod tod
I have kept at it and found a solution to get miracast wirelss display working with AVG and windows 10.
I am on the 2017  version of AVG.

First, disable AVG and then connect to the wireless display.
Go to windows network connections page. The easiest wy is to right click on the windoes icon (LH corner) an select from the menu.
There will be a new WIFI connectioon shown which is the miracast device. Mine had a desciription of direct virtual connection... Note the name of the network. Mine was DIRECT-SAR0....

Then go to AVG menu -> settings -> components -> firewall ->customise
Look for the network with the name of your Miracast. Select the profile to be private.
Ok all the steps back out of AVG.

You should then be able to re-enable AVG, and get successful Miracast connections.

I have tried this with both the Microsoft Wireless Display adpater, and a NetgearPush2TV adapter and both work.

Took a lot of hours to eventually get this to work, but perseverance...

Jon MitchamJon Mitcham
Just to confirm I am running AVG Ultimate 2017 (v17.5.3021 - last updaste 7 July 2017).
Jon MitchamJon Mitcham
I have a Surface Book, with exactly the same issues.  I even upgraded my MWDA to the latest hardware to find that I had the same issues.  Windows 10 can see the MWDA, install drivere (etc.) and attempt a connection, but in all attempts it timed out. 

As a test I disabled the AVG Firewall componment (as have others in this thread) and hey-presto - it worked consistently.  I re-enabled the AVG Firewall, and the problem re-emerged. All the solutions above are far too technical for a non-techy (thankfully I am a very technical person and work in IT).  This issue is also giving Microsoft (in this case) undeserved bad press when it is an AVG issue.  What I need is a simple way to enable the apropriate firewall rule, and something in the settings to be obvious.

I am going to try a lot of the advice in this thread, and I thank everyone in the public domain who has contributed and had the patience.  If I relied on the MWDA this wouild be a deal breaker for me.  I am a long standing AVG customer and recomend it to everyone.  I am totally unimpressed with the response from AVG - not a priority indeed!!

However, brand loyalty doesn't seem to be anything companies care about in this day and age of rapid consumerism.  If I replace AVG on my Surface Book, it will be replaced on all my PC's, phones and tablets in my home at the next renewal (Jan 2018), and I will remove AVG from my recomended products for friends/family, etc.  A company only needs to screw me around once to lose me forever and AVG is this close.
Abirami ShanmugamAbirami Shanmugam (Avast)
We apologize if an AVG product did not meet your expectations. Our main goal is to keep our customers happy.
Please try to follow all the steps mentioned in previous post and check if it works.
If the issue persists, please get back to us and we will escalate to concerned team.
Thank you.
David A KellyDavid A Kelly
Wow....I had forgotten all about this issue. I haven't used my MWDA in over a year, and when I last used it, my 'work-around' enabled it to function. That process was to disable the AVG firewall, connect MWDA, then re-enable AVG.
In the meantime, I now use AVG 2017 Unlimited. I do not know if the MWDA issue has been resolved through the updates.
When I am sifficiently bored, I will try it.
Alok KumarAlok Kumar (Avast)
Hello David,
I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused. I request you to change AVG Firewall network profile to private (open AVG Internet Security > menu > settings > components > firewall > customize > network profile > change all the network public to private), please go to Firewall customize settings again > scroll down > click on system rules > enable all the system rules if it's not configured, please click OK and check if you can access/connect MWDA with enabled AVG Internet Security.
Best regards,
Leonardo GenovezLeonardo Genovez
Hello Gents
I had same issue and after couple hours looking for... David was rigth, unfortunnately I checked it after fixing... I found that under advanced firewall >customize>network profile few lines were as public, so, I set all to private and done ! hope this help future users with same issue.
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