Hello Robbie, Sorry to hear that you are unable to unlock your AVG program in your PC. In this case, we need to uninstall AVG program completely to remove the password. Hence please follow below instructions to uninstall AVG Internet Security from your PC: 1. Use the link https://share.avg.com/steam/PSP/AVG2017/AVG_Clear.exe to run the AVG Clear tool. 2. Open the AVG Clear tool, click Yes in the User Account control dialog. 3. Click No in the Windows safe mode dialog. 4. Select the installed version of AVG and also check the box 'Uninstall AVG Zen'. Then click Uninstall, and Restart computer. 5. To run AVG remover tool please follow this link: http://avgread.me/1DEtNP0 . To reinstall AVG Internet Security, please follow the steps mentioned in this article: http://avgread.me/1DXPL5z . Then reinstall AVG Secure VPN by going to AVG->Secure VPN->click on 'Try it for free' icon to install it. Thank you.
Sorry to hear that you are unable to unlock your AVG program in your PC. In this case, we need to uninstall AVG program completely to remove the password. Hence please follow below instructions to uninstall AVG Internet Security from your PC:
1. Use the link https://share.avg.com/steam/PSP/AVG2017/AVG_Clear.exe to run the AVG Clear tool.
2. Open the AVG Clear tool, click Yes in the User Account control dialog.
3. Click No in the Windows safe mode dialog.
4. Select the installed version of AVG and also check the box 'Uninstall AVG Zen'. Then click Uninstall, and Restart computer.
5. To run AVG remover tool please follow this link: http://avgread.me/1DEtNP0 .
To reinstall AVG Internet Security, please follow the steps mentioned in this article: http://avgread.me/1DXPL5z .
Then reinstall AVG Secure VPN by going to AVG->Secure VPN->click on 'Try it for free' icon to install it.
Thank you.