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Thomas BeerThomas Beer 

AVG is crippling my internet speed!

Hello! So I've just moved into a new place and have a fancy 1Gbps line to my Apt. I noticed that I wasn't getting the speeds I should, my server seemed fine but my PC not. 

I turned off AVG and bamm! I go from 500Mbps Download to 930Mbps Download. (Upload never seems to be effected). 

Here are some images of the tests with and without AVG.

With AVG on
With AVG ^

Without AVGWithout AVG ^

You can see the staggering difference. I know a few people will say you're still getting 600Mbps. Which yeah I am. But I pay for 1Gbps line for my work I do. I'm not just on Facebook. 

I did some trouble shooting and here are my outcomes.

Turning off AVG DNS doesn't help
Turning off Firewall doesn't help
Turning off online Shield got me up to 905Mbps Download
Having DNS and Firewall on, while Online Shield is off yeils deduction in speeds
Having the DNS and Firewall off, with Online Shield on, but with Script scanning on Chrome off normalises speeds. 

Is there a way to fix this without compromising my security? 
Why is this happening?
Can I submit this as a bug somewhere?

Alok KumarAlok Kumar (Avast)
Hello Thomas,
I understand the inconvenience caused. I am sure we will be able to fix this together. In this case, I request you to reinstall AVG Online Shield component once (please open AVG Internet Security > menu > settings > components > uninstall Online Shield), reboot your computer once. After reboot, please go to the same path and install online shield. I also request you to change AVG Firewall network profile to private (open AVG Internet Security > menu > settings > components > firewall > customize > network profile > change all the network public to private), please go to Firewall customize settings again > scroll down > click on system rules > enable all the system rules if it's not configured, please click OK and check if you can access the same download speed with enabled AVG Internet Security.
Best regards,
Thomas BeerThomas Beer
Hello Alok! Thanks for your reply. Sadly it didn't fix it the issue. :( 
KarthikeyanKarthikeyan (Foundever) 
Hello Thomas,

I am sorry to hear that the issue persists. Please run AVG repair avgclick.me/RepairAVG from your computer control panel and check if that fix the issue. If issue persists, please reinstall AVG completely from your computer. You can install latest version of AVG Ultimate from this link: http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=Download-and-install-AVG-Ultimate. If you face any difficulties, feel free to contact us.
Thomas BeerThomas Beer
It didn't help :( the same issue is happening on my second PC that also has AVG. 
AvinashAvinash (Avast) 
I would like to appreciate your efforts and patience so far. I have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue.
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