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  • (AB) Alan Binch
  • (BA) Borislav Angelov
  • (VB) Vladimir Bartl
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Joshua RutgersJoshua Rutgers 

AVG will not start when starting windows 7


I have a problem with AVG . every time I start AVG on my computer it does not start automatically . I checked if everything is checked, like MSCONFIG and that is the case. In services , I see that there are four processes Avg . The processes are as follows:
1. AvgAMPS
2. AVGIDSAgent
3. AVG Watchdog
4. AVG Service
programs 2,3,4 are turned on and set to start automatically. 
1 is set to manual startup, and if I want to put it on automatically it refuse to do that. This is weird because I have all the rights to change things. 1. has not started and if I want to do that I get an error. ( Error 1053)
I do not have ad watch or  spyweeper . It is very inconvenient that I have to start up AVG each time manually. When I AVG protection startup I can not boot AVG Zen from that screen. That's also weird. Then I press separately on the icon AVG.

I hope my problem, that AVG will not start as normal, can be solved!
Aravind GnanamurthyAravind Gnanamurthy (Avast)
Hello Joshua,
We understand how something like this can really try your patience.
Could you please let us know the name of the AVG product you have installed in your pc? also please be informed that AVG will run in your background and it won't be displayed on the screen.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.
Alan BinchAlan Binch
Other Joshua Rutgers posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000bofIAAQ).
AVG Guru
Joshua RutgersJoshua Rutgers
User-added image
This the product that is installed
Joshua RutgersJoshua Rutgers
and i can also show this:
User-added image
Joshua RutgersJoshua Rutgers
I selected the part that is the most weird! the description is beside it!
Aravind GnanamurthyAravind Gnanamurthy (Avast)
Hello Joshua,
Thank you for providing us the screenshot.
In this case, we request you to uninstall AVG Antivirus free using AVG remover tool and then install AVG Antivirus free back in your pc to get your issue fixed. To run AVG remover tool for AVG Antivirus please follow the below steps :
Please click on the below link to download remover tool
Accept the license agreement and then choose AVG Product and remove it.
Aravind GnanamurthyAravind Gnanamurthy (Avast)
NOTE: Once the AVG Remover Tool has done with its process. Please go to the drive where you installed this tool and look for a folder named as "AVG Remover" and I request you to delete it manually.
To install AVG Antivirus Free 2016 we request you to use the offline installation. To determine whether your OS is a 32-bit or 64-bit, please click on this link. http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/827218
For 32 Bit : http://files-download.avg.com/inst/mp/AVG_Antivirus_Free_x86_694.exe
For 64 Bit : http://files-download.avg.com/inst/mp/AVG_Antivirus_Free_x64_693.exe
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.
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