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How do I reset the password to access the AVG Antivirus program?

ello. For some reason it is not taking the password to access the AVG Antivirus program. How do I reset it?
Aarthy AsokanAarthy Asokan (Avast)
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Forum. I see you are facing issues with accesing AVG with password. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Regarding your concern, I would recoomend you to uninstall and reinstall AVG Antivirus using AVG Clear tool. Please refer the article for instructions:
1. Uninstall via AVG Uninstall Tool (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlName=uninstall-avg-software-clear-remover&q=AVG+clear+tool&supportType=home)
2. Reinstall AVG Antivirus (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=install-avg-antivirus-free)
I hope this helps. Thanks and Keep us updated.
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