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Francis WilkinsFrancis Wilkins 

AVG full protection trial

I tried out avg full protection trial for 60 days (I think) and now today (as of November 21) it has expired and now i'm wondering if i don't renew it, would the antivirus just keep doing it's job but limited capabilities?

Because i'm wondering as it only says you are unprotected and it does somewhat bug me whether i should just leave it as it is.

AvinashAvinash (Avast) 
Hi Namson.
Once expired, the AVG trial version will downgrade to free (basic) protection. To make sure it did downgrade, please share a screenshot (http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot) of the AVG user interface that you are looking at.
Francis WilkinsFrancis Wilkins
Sorry for the multiple posts if you see them but i keep on refreshing and thought it didn't process properly
Francis WilkinsFrancis Wilkins

User-added imageUser-added image

The second picture you see is i'm wondering if there should be 2 of the exact name because i tried to reinstall avg internet security (I don't know why i tried to) but i want to know if i should keep them as it is or end the one with the least amount of memory being used.

Francis WilkinsFrancis Wilkins

User-added image

Here it is

Also i tried redownloading AVG internet security (I don't even know why i tried to do that) and it's told me to restart but i pressed remind in 6 hours but restarted earlier instead without pressing the "Restart Now" button and i don't think anything changed but i feel concerned that there is two of the exact system on application on.

Should i end the task on one of them? or Keep it as it is.

User-added image

Francis WilkinsFrancis Wilkins

User-added image

Here it is
Also i recently tried redownloaded avg internet security (I don't know why i even tried to do that) and it's telling me to restart it, I pressed remind in 6 hours and i don't think anything happened 

Is that normal?

Sarath PriyanSarath Priyan (Sitel)
Thank you for the screenshots, Namson.

The two processes are required to run AVG Internet Security and it's a usual behavior.

Your PC will have basic protection with AVG Internet Security.

If you prefer, you can uninstall AVG Internet Security and install AVG Antivirus FREE so you will not receive an renewal pop-up.

Refer the article to install AVG FREE: https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=Install-AVG-AntiVirus-Free
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