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  • (AB) Alan Binch
  • (BA) Borislav Angelov
  • (VB) Vladimir Bartl
  • (SK) Subhadeep Kanungo
  • (MS) Miloslav Serba
James WoodJames Wood 

Why does QuickTune (free) take longer with an Internet connection?

I am wondering why Quick Tune (the 'mini' free one that comes with AVG) takes far longer to run when I have Wi-Fi enabled.  The first item it checks (Registry Errors) quickly goes up to 93% complete, and then sits there for a minute or two before that portion of the scan finishes and the utility goes on to the next item.  When I turn Wi-Fi off, it sails through the test in very short order.  Anyone have an idea?
Alan BinchAlan Binch
James, Have a look @ this new form link (http://avg-community.force.com/support_contact_form) to get chat/phone support. Otherwise, When available, A member of the official AVG Community Support in Brno (http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=190509) will see your topic & respond.
AVG Guru
James WoodJames Wood
Thank you Alan.  Does this mean that I posted my question in the wrong place?  Does AVG no longer maintain a peer-to-peer forum?   I was hoping for an informal answer or opinion from another user, rather than pestering the official Community Support function.
Alan BinchAlan Binch
James Wood quote "I was hoping for an informal answer or opinion from another user, rather than pestering the official Community Support function"....
James, Actually by posting here you've lined yourself up for replies in both directions!
AVG Guru
Alan BinchAlan Binch
PS James, AVG Support Community is now the only AVG "forum".
AVG Guru
James WoodJames Wood
A nasty virus rendered AVG impotent the other day.  After I used the AVG Rescue Disc to clear my system of the problem, I had to uninstall/reinstall AVG.  The version I downloaded today is AVG Antivirus 2015, a bit different from the 2013 I had previously.  The program accepted my license key and works fine, but Quick Tune is gone.  Instead I get an interface similar to Quick Tune's, but it does not permit the elementary, first-order 'fix' that Quick Tune allowed. Instead it seems to want me to purchase an upgrade.   Am I missing something, has Quick Tune been elimitated?
Alan BinchAlan Binch
James, Have a look @ this link (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000D4OFAA0).
AVG Guru
James WoodJames Wood

Hi, Alan, and thanks for the link.  I followed instructions, but clicking on "Fix" took me to the download of a trial of PC Tuneup, which must be purchased after the trial period.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it would appear that the free Quick Tune utility bundled with the previous version of AVG Antivirus has been discontinued in deference to PC Tuneup, which costs $40 in addition to the cost for the AVG Antivirus.  This is a disappointment to those of us who enjoyed the elementary housecleaning that Quick Tune afforded.  That feature made AVG Antivirus more valuable and a very good value.  But the extra expense of PC Tuneup puts that function a bit over the top for some of us, who must now look elsewhere for a similar utility.

Alan BinchAlan Binch
James, Have a look @ this link (http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-forums.tpl-stdfull?sec=thread&act=show&id=435) & please complete the feedback.
AVG Guru
Marvin MartianulMarvin Martianul
Hi James, I think CCleaner Free is a good alternative. If you are looking for the very best, this writer knows more than me: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2371155,00.asp
James WoodJames Wood

Hi, Marvin, and thanks for that.  I do use Ccleaner and have tried at least a couple of the ones suggested in the article you linked me to.  But the original question, regarding AFV Quick Tune speed, is a moot point now.  AVG no longer offers Quick Tune as a 'freebie' with the paid version of Antivirus 2015.  Although the Quick Tune utility was a pared-down version of their PC Tuneup, it did get rid of old Windows update files and other things that Ccleaner and others simply ignore.  AVG 2015 has the same scan screen that it had for Quick Tune, but now when you finish the scan and click: "Fix" you're taken to a Webpage where you are encouraged to purchase the PC Tuneup program for $40 (in addition to what you paid for AVG Antivirus).

One thing I learned as a business owner is that you don't give things to people and then take them away.  I had a mid-level manager declare a paid holiday some years ago, and when she left the firm we tried to reverse-out that particular perk.  That prompted a major revolt and the holiday remains on our calendar.  The same goes for 'free' stuff given away in a bundle.  It's very bad form and makes for hard feelings when something like Quick Tune was always there, and then all of a sudden you are asked to pay for it.  It's not as though it were a trial with a timeout, I used it for a couple of years with good results and now it's been snatched away.

I have been a longtime user of AVG, not just for my personal machines, but for a large number of PCs at my business.  This experience has soured me to the extent that I am now looking at similarly-priced alternatives... with or without a Quick-Tune-like utility.

I still admire AVG; it's saved my bacon on many occasions.  But the company has the appearance of becoming large and impersonal, and although they excel in what they do, the image conveyed to the users is an important factor as well.  I would hate to see AVG become another Norton, whether I continue to use their products or not.

ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Hi James,
Reason for terminating it was that it was not updated, and it would took a lot of resources to update it.
We do offer AVG Performance (http://www.avg.com/us-en/performance) instead after trial period expire there is free version.
Marvin MartianulMarvin Martianul
Alan, I tried to give product feedback using the old link provided in your 5th non-answer, but "Human Verification" games never appeared, which no doubt means that I wasted my time! If AVG was interested in the opinions of users (of course I know very well that they are not), then there would be a feedback link at this wonderful new Support Community, don't you think Mr. Guru sir?
Marvin MartianulMarvin Martianul
A recent review states that those who install AVG Free 2015 can get Quick Tune as a bonus if the give AVG their e-mail address (see page 2 under Quick Tune). Is that correct?
James WoodJames Wood
Thanks for the link to that article, Marvin.  Important to note that you have to navigate to Page 2 of the review to see the reference to that offer, available according to Mr. Rubenking of PC Magazine.  This is news to me, and was not mentioned at all by Zbynek (of AVG) in his reply, above, where he confirms Quick Tune's 'termination.'  Does AVG offer Quick Tune to users of the free version, and tell those of us who pay for the program that it's no longer available?  What gives?
Alan BinchAlan Binch
@ James Wood / Marvin Martianul
See AVG 2015 Free User Manual (http://download.avgfree.com/filedir/doc/AVG_Free/avg_free_uma_en_2015_12.pdf) *
James WoodJames Wood

Yes, Alan, I see the reference 6.5 (Page 30) to PC Analyzer, and the same screen is shown on Page 31 that I get with my paid version of AVG Antivirus.  Please note that at the bottom of Page 31 this is written:

However, within the paid versions, AVG provides an
advanced tool for detailed system analysis and correction
for how the speed and overall performance of your
computer might be improved.

But no 'advanced tool' is provided with AVG Antivirus 2015 that offers any degree of 'correction,' not even the elementary Quick Tune tool that was provided with the 2013 version.  The "FIX" button simply takes the owner to the AVG Website where he is prompted to purchase PC Analyzer.  In 2013 "AVG giveth," and in 2015 "AVG taketh away."  Very poor marketing practice.

Alan BinchAlan Binch
@ James Wood
James, As prompted did you see Page 12 in the User Manual?
AVG Guru
James WoodJames Wood
Alan, yes I see that.  And if I read this correctly, it prompts users of AVG Free to submit their e-mail address to obtain QuickTune.  I do not use AVG Free, I use the paid version and always have.  AVG has had my e-mail address in their system for about 10 years.

On Page 35 of the User Manual for AVG Antivirus 2015, under Control Buttons, the text clearly states:
Fix now (displayed once the analysis is finished)
- press the button to fix all found errors.

This is categorically false.  There is no 'Fix' utility resident in AVG Antivirus 2015.  Pressing this button simply takes the user to the AVG Website where he is encouraged to purchase PC Analyzer.  Quick Tune has been 'terminated' as was explained by Zbynek above.  Zbynek is shown as an employee of AVG, and with all due respect to your title of 'AVG Guru,' I feel that I must accept the situation as stated by the company representative.  To reiterate what Zbynek has formally stated about Quick Tune:
Reason for terminating it was that it was not updated,
and it would took a lot of resources to update it.

Alan BinchAlan Binch
@ James Wood
OK James, Re the Free User Manual info that's stated.. We'll await clarification by Zbynek.
AVG Guru 
ZbynekZbynek (Avast) 
Hi James,
There is Fix now button displayed, but it leads to web page where you can download trial version of PC tuneup.
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